Kübler Sport Gymnastics Vault Set VARIANTA

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Kübler Sport Gymnastics Vault Set VARIANTA

Save by purchasing a set with the Kübler Sport® "Varianta" savings set. With this set, made of high-quality wood and solidly crafted, we provide you with all the important components you need to create a balance landscape at a very affordable set price.


- 2 Varianta vaulting boxes, 4 pieces (G3627)
- 2 Varianta balance beams (G3619)
- 1 Varianta climbing ladder (G3631)
- 1 Varianta chicken ladder (G3632)
- 1 Varianta half ladder (G3633)
- 1 Varianta sliding board (G3618)


- Made in Germany
Vaulting Box G3627:
- High-quality birch plywood
- Top with durable, textured synthetic leather cover
- Padding made of composite foam
- Individual parts with recesses for holding slide boards, ladders, or balance beams
- Box base with stable hardwood feet, non-slip and floor-friendly ribbed rubber

- Dimensions (L x W x H): approx. 130 x 47 x 88 cm
- Distance between lid and top rung: approx. 10 cm
- Distance between individual rungs: approx. 20 cm
- Shipping weight: approx. 36 kg

Balance Beam G3619:
- High-quality, solid aspen wood
- Clamping devices on both sides for secure hanging
- Load capacity up to approx. 100 kg
- LxWxH approx. 248 x 10 x 6 cm
- Weight approx. 12.5 kg

Climbing Ladder G3631:
- Side parts made of solid aspen wood
- 9 stable beech wood rungs Ø 35 mm
- One side with clamping bracket

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shipping weight

174.5 kg

Properties & Features








10 pcs

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