ARTZT thepro® Sensory Floor

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Article-No.: vg-000911
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We can only consider requests from institutions, organisations and companies. Due to individual taxes, delivery times and costs depending on your country, you can only request a quote.
ARTZT thepro® Sensory Floor
The Sensorik Boden is an innovative therapy and training aid that is used for movement training in therapy and sports. With the Sensorik Boden, you can train strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and sensorimotor skills with various exercises.
The structure of the plate is modeled after natural ground. Athletes can improve their stability and balance with jumping exercises. In therapy, the floor is also used for post-operative rehabilitation training and gait training. With the help of a therapist and various exercises, patients can safely navigate uneven terrain.
The structure of the plate is modeled after natural ground. Athletes can improve their stability and balance with jumping exercises. In therapy, the floor is also used for post-operative rehabilitation training and gait training. With the help of a therapist and various exercises, patients can safely navigate uneven terrain.
- Dimensions: 50 x 50 cm
- Weight: approx. 3.6 kg
- Material: high-quality polyurethane and polyester fabric
- Color: Anthracite
- Completely skin-friendly
- Resistant to common cleaning and disinfecting agents
- Weight: approx. 3.6 kg
- Material: high-quality polyurethane and polyester fabric
- Color: Anthracite
- Completely skin-friendly
- Resistant to common cleaning and disinfecting agents
- Improved movement safety and postural control
- Improved/stable walking pattern
- Improvement within the multisegmental kinematic synergies of the lower extremities
- Promotion of motor development - particularly movement coordination - in children
- Strengthening and improved activation of the muscle in the feet (proprioception)
- Improved/stable walking pattern
- Improvement within the multisegmental kinematic synergies of the lower extremities
- Promotion of motor development - particularly movement coordination - in children
- Strengthening and improved activation of the muscle in the feet (proprioception)
Product datasheet
Print page or download as PDFFAQ | Produktfragen
- Wie genau werden die Strukturbodenplatten verlegt?
- Die Strukturbodenplatte sollte auf einem ebenen, sauberen und rutschfesten Boden ausgelegt werden.
- Ist eine Neuverlegung des Strukturbodenplatten problemlos und schnell möglich?
- Die Strukturbodenplatten können jederzeit an einer neuen Stelle ausgelegt werden. Um dauerhaft die Bodenhaftung zu gewährleisten, sollten die Anti-Rutsch-Gelpads auf der Unterseite der Platten regelmäßig mit einem feuchten Tuch abgewischt werden.
More information about the manufacturer
- Manufacturer
Ludwig Artzt GmbHSchiesheck 5DE - 65599 DornburgEmail:
- Contact partner
Ludwig Artzt GmbHSchiesheck 5DE - 65599 DornburgEmail: