Physioclimb® Climbing Wall


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Physioclimb® Climbing Wall

Therapeutic climbing wall with a flexible climbing wall panel. This can be equipped with the included grips or additionally purchased ones, according to personal preference. This allows for creating specific routes for different areas of application. Additionally, the climbing wall can be inclined both positively and negatively, allowing for the adjustment of difficulty level.


- Adjustment unit: up to 18 ° positive / negative inclination
- Climbing wall panel: 12 mm thick
- Dimensions: (HxW) 250 x 125 cm
- Climbing wall Pro: Includes 14 climbing grips / steps
- Climbing wall Med.: Includes 22 climbing grips / steps
- Climbing wall Med.: Climbing wall certified according to MPG (Medical Device Act)

Possible uses of the PhysioClimb climbing wall

Therapeutic climbing is intentionally used as a supportive tool in occupational and physical therapy, as well as early intervention, within the context of prevention or rehabilitation:

- Leg alignment training
- Endurance training for knees, hip extensors, and arm muscles
- Improving mobility of the shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle joints
- Spine gymnastics and general preventive exercises
- Developing core control

These are just a few examples of the possible applications of the therapeutic climbing wall. In physical therapy, and in the process of recovery, therapeutic climbing is an integral part and complements traditional physical therapy ideally in this case.

Product datasheet

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FAQ | Produktfragen

Welche Farben von Klettergriffen/Klettertritten sind in den Sets der PhysioClimb Kletterwand Pro und Medizinische Ausführung enthalten?
Die Farben sind wie auch bei den PhysioClimb Griff- und Trittsets farblich gemischt. In den Farben grau, rot und gelb. Auf Wunsch kann man auch eine oder zwei der drei Farben auswählen, wodurch sich aber die Lieferzeit erhöht.
Ist bei der PhysioClimb Kletterwand eine Aufbau-/Montageanleitung enthalten?
Bei der Lieferung ist eine Montageanleitung mit dem passenden Montagematerial enthalten. Die Montage ist schnell und einfach, fast alle Bauteile sind vormontiert.
Your question to the product Physioclimb® Climbing Wall:

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More information about the manufacturer
Physioclimb - Stefan Epp
Buchenweg 11a
DE - 83714 Miesbach
Contact partner
Physioclimb - Stefan Epp
Buchenweg 11a
DE - 83714 Miesbach