German Swimming Badge

3 variants to choose from
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German Swimming Badge

The German swimming badge proves one's swimming abilities. It is divided into three levels: bronze, silver, and gold. The minimum age is 18 years. It encourages training.


- Official German Bronze Swimming Badge
- Badge for sewing on
- Material: 100% Polyester
- Ø approx. 55 mm
- Delivery in square shape on a roll

Requested Services:

German Swimming Badge Bronze:
- Jump from the pool edge, followed by 200 m swimming in a maximum of seven minutes
- Knowledge of bathing rules

German Swimming Badge Silver:
- Jump from the pool edge, then 400 m swimming in a maximum of 12 minutes
- Two 2 m diving from the water surface, retrieving one diving object each time
- 10 m distance swimming
- 2 jumps from the pool edge: one headfirst jump, one feet-first jump
- Knowledge of bathing rules and self-rescue

German Swimming Badge Gold:
- 1000 m swimming in a maximum of 24 minutes (men)/29 minutes (women)
- 100 m swimming in a maximum of 1:50 minutes (men)/2 minutes (women)
- 100 m backstroke, with 50 m using the scissor kick technique (without using the arms)
- 15 m distance diving
- Diving from the water surface and retrieving 3 small diving objects from a depth of 2 m within 3 minutes, in a maximum of 3 attempts
- Jump from a height of 3 m or 2 jumps from a height of 1 m, one headfirst and one feet-first
- Transport swimming: pushing or pulling
- Knowledge of bathing rules and assistance in swimming, boating, and ice accidents
- Participants receive the badge and an entry in the German Swimming Passport after successfully passing the examination. The preliminary stage of the German Swimming Badge is the German Youth Swimming Badge in Bronze, Silver, and Gold for youth up to 18 years old. This is followed by the Junior Rescuer or the German Life Saving Badge. The German Life Saving Badge is administered by organizations such as the DLRG or the Water Rescue and is often taken after prior training. This is how you become a water rescuer.

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