Swimming Badge for Beginner Swimmers (Seahorse)

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Swimming Badge for Beginner Swimmers (Seahorse)

The current Frühschwimmer swimming badge is suitable for all swimming clubs, schools, pools, and authorized persons for examination. The badge can be easily sewn or ironed on.

The Seepferdchen badge demonstrates basic swimming skills. The following is required:
- A jump from the pool edge followed by a 25m swim in one swimming style, either on the stomach or back (rough form, recognizable exhalation into the water while swimming on the stomach)
- Retrieving an object with the hands from shoulder-deep water (shoulder depth relative to the examinee)
- Knowledge of bathing rules.

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FAQ | Produktfragen

Wie bekommt man sein Frühschwimmer-Seepferdchen-Abzeichen?
Erfüllt sein muss:Ein Sprung vom Beckenrand und 25 m Schwimmen in beliebigem Schwimmstil.Sowie einen Gegenstand mit den Händen aus schultertiefem Wasser herausholen.
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