Weight Bags
Weight bag, corebag, functional bag - rediscover strength training
Weight bag training, core bag workout or functional bag training, there are countless names and descriptions for tough fitness training with the weight bag. No matter what you call it, weight pocket exercises increase strength and coordination, and are definitely demanding and tiring. Similar to kettlebell training, endurance is improved in addition to strength, since most weight bag exercises are carried out with momentum and very explosively. A basic exercise with the weight bag is like the kettlebell swing. The weight bag is gripped with both or one hand and swung upwards from a wide step in front of the body. To slow down the swing of the weight bag, swing the weight bag through your legs and start again.
No repetition is the same with core bag exercises because the load, the filling of the core bag, is not fixed. The load slides back and forth in the bag with every repetition. The body always experiences new and different stimuli during one and the same exercise. Above all, the stability and deep muscles are strengthened. But not only the training results are diverse. The training itself is absolutely varied with the weight bag. There are now core bag exercises like sand by the sea: weight bag snatch, windmill, windmill rowing, diagonal shouldering and lateral side bend are just a few.
Weight bag or Bulgarian Bag
There are basically two different forms of weight bags. The normal weight bag is like a large travel bag with many different handles. The Bulgarian Weight bag, or Bulgarian Bag for short, is slightly curved. Slightly thicker in the middle than at the two ends, the Bulgarian Bag resembles an oversized crescent. The Bulgarian Bag is also equipped with loops and handles, so that nothing is left to be desired for the Bulgarian Bag Workout.
Weight bag, core bag or Bulgarian bag are currently among the most versatile training devices on the market and combine like no other training device, functional strength training, endurance, coordination training, flexibility and core training. Weight bag Workout is pure functional training.