Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking

(16 Items)


LEKI® Nordic Walking Telescopic Poles SPIN SHARK SL
LEKI® Nordic Walking Telescopic Poles SPIN SHARK SL
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Teleskopic walking poles, Nordic Walking poles and weights - Nordic Walking poles of LEKI for leisure sports and sports clubs

Nordic Walking poles by LEKI for leisure sports and sports clubs

Nordic Walking is a popular sport for young and for old; beginners and professional athletes practice Nordic Walking. To do Nordic sports you only need a pair of Nordic Walking poles and you can immediately start with your stamina training. This endurance sport can be practiced in summer and in winter time. The walking method is very easy to learn and due to the continuous, active use of the poles you will not only improve your stamina skills, but also the muscles supporting your pectoral girdle and your overall fitness will improve. Nordic Walking offers the perfect workout for all people working long hours just sitting in front of the computer. Nordic Walking offers the necessary moving and exercising in a kinetic daily routine. Not only the metabolism will receive a boost, you can also prevent malposition. Depending on your personal aim you can regulate the intensity of the training with the poles. The training method improves the cardiovascular system, your stamina and overall fitness and above all the training is very joint-friendly. In the Kübler Sport online shop you will definitely find your adequate walking poles and the suitable bag for your poles can be ordered as well. You can easily transport 15 pairs of Nordic Walking poles in the bag. And if you once prefer to walk without poles - then find the suitable weights such as Togu® Brasil® or Togu® Senso Walking Trainers in our Kübler Sport online shop.

Nordic Walking poles by Kübler Sport - available in different lengths

The main part of Nordic Walking equipment is definitely the Nordic Walking poles. The length of the poles is essential. The ideal length depends on the body height of the user. A standard way to calculate the length is: body height in cm x 0,66. The ideal Nordic Walking technique can only be executed if the poles are perfectly adjusted to the size of the user. The very crucial characteristic of the technique is to keep the arm straight. If the pole is too long, it is almost impossible to keep the arm straight. For private training purposes we recommend poles with fixed length. If you want to equip your sports club, then you should take the version with adjustable length.

You can do Nordic Walking training everywhere, even on asphaltic grounds. On the streets and on hard grounds, it is recommended to use asphalt pads to preserve the poles from damage and to treat your joints with care. To get an overview of your training, special pedometers and heart rate measurement instruments are available in our shop. When walking without poles try to carry some weights or X-Co's.

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