Molten® Dodgeball

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Molten® Dodgeball

This Dodgeball by Molten is designed for Dodgeball and Völkerball. The game ball is made of rubber and can be used for various sports. The ball weighs about 310 g and has a diameter of 20 cm. It is very durable and grippy, making it ideal for throwing and catching. Therefore, it is the perfect ball for Dodgeball and Völkerball games.
The balls should always be inflated with the appropriate needle (needle valve) and never filled with more than about 0.4 to 0.45 bar of air pressure, as this could cause damage. The ideal ball pump for this is the F8787, which digitally displays the exact air pressure.
Dodgeball and Völkerball are related games. In both games, players from each team face each other in a field and try to throw out the players from the opposing team. In Völkerball, this is done with one ball, while multiple balls are used in Dodgeball. While Völkerball is a very popular school game in German-speaking countries, Dodgeball (also known as Duck-Dich-Ball in German) is mainly played in English-speaking regions.


- Diameter: approx. 20 cm
- Weight: approx. 310 g
- Material: Rubber

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