cosiMed® Rapid Disinfection

2 variants to choose from
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cosiMed® Rapid Disinfection

The disinfectant is a ready-to-use solution. Easy to apply in a 1 liter spray bottle or a 5l canister. Ideal for disinfecting washable surfaces and tested according to the VAH (DGHM) guidelines for surface disinfection. Particularly suitable for artificial leather covers of therapy tables and storage aids.


- Ready-to-use fast disinfection
- Disinfection of washable surfaces
- Tested according to VAH(DGHM) guidelines
- Exposure time: 1 minute


For all disinfecting products: Attention: Use biocidal products with caution. Always read the label and product information before use!

Product datasheet

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Wirksam gegen Bakterien, Hefen, Pilze und Viren. Das Desinfektionsmittel ist nach den VAH (DGHM)-Richtlinien zur Flächendesinfektion geprüft.
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