Omnikin: fun and games with giant ball
.Omnikin KIN-BALL is a ball game invented by a Canadian physical education teacher in 1986. The team game with the giant ball, Omnikin for short, is extremely popular among children, although it is more unknown in Germany than in other countries. With its simple rules, it is ideal for sports courses and physical education classes at schools. The team spirit is in the foreground.
One ball, twelve players
.The game ball is available in various solid colors, but there is also a multi-colored version. The huge ball measures 84 cm to 122 cm in diameter, but it weighs only. about one kilogram depending on the model. The risk of injury is low. The classic Omnikin ball consists of a latex bladder and an easy-care nylon cover. The latex bladder can also be purchased separately if required. The trendy sport is played with three teams of four players each. Speed and skill are important, as the ball is not allowed to touch the ground. All members of a group are given the same color marking shirts. This also promotes team spirit and teamwork.
With Omnikin to the playful attack
.The team in possession of the ball is the attacker and designates with the word Omnikin the team that is now to defend. In the gripping game action, this team tries to get the ball under control. Then it attacks the next team with the word Omnikin. It is a cooperative sport that challenges and excites the groups. The rules of the game are easy to understand.
Omnikin for Indoor and Outdoor
The sports instructor designates a playing field that, according to the official rules, measures 20 by 20 meters, which is rectangular. There are game balls for indoor and outdoor games. The fast-paced ball game can be started without much prior knowledge or additional sports equipment. Thus, fun and success arise quickly.