Javelin spears
Professional javelin equipment for training and competition
Javelin in athletics
In addition to the pole vault, the javelin throw is one of the most technically demanding disciplines in athletics. Javelin throwing is one of the four throwing disciplines and has been one of the disciplines of the Olympic Games since ancient times, because since the Stone Age the javelin has been the oldest hunting weapon ever used. When javelin throwing, the javelin is thrown out of the long arm after a run-up so that it flies out as far as possible onto the field. Professional javelin throwers let the spear sail over 90 meters, the world record for men is 98.48 m. the women's world record is at 72.28 meters.
The javelin throwing technique
The technique of javelin throwing that is common today consists of a short start-up in which the pace is increased. In the meantime, the spear is brought into the throwing display from a relaxed position above the head. In this position, the spear is at the top behind the body, with the arm stretched and the body in the greatest possible curl. For throwing, a bow tension is then built up by means of a caulking step and the spear is thrown straight forward. A throwing attempt is valid when the spear touches the ground with the tip first.
What is the weight of a javelin?
How much the spear weighs depends on age and gender. The men's spears weigh 800 g, the women's spear weighs 600 g. The male and female youth classes each have lower weights: the age groups of the female and male U14s throw with a 400 g spear, all other female youth classes up to the U20 with 500 g. The age group of the male U16, on the other hand, throws with 600 g spears and the U18 with 700 g spears. The senior classes also have lower weights. The length of the spear also varies depending on the weight: for example, the men's spear is between 2.70 m and 2.80 m long, while a 100 g spear is only 2.20 m - 2.30 m long.
Buying the right javelin
Today spears are usually made of wood, metal, carbon or a combination of these materials. The spearhead is always made of metal. A good javelin is characterized by various properties. A spear approved for the competition must of course comply with the regulations of the World Athletics (formerly IAAF) and the German Athletics Association DLV and meet certain requirements with regard to the center of gravity, grip and tip. A training spear may have slight deviations. Above all, these should be robust and durable and also forgive uncontrolled or untidy dropping by a beginner. Competition spears, on the other hand, should have the best flight characteristics in order to achieve the greatest possible range. In addition to the softest possible reversal point of the flight curve, the lowest possible vibration ("flutter") of the spear.
In our range you will find high-quality spears for athletics from brand manufacturers such as Polanik and Getra for training and competition. All spears are characterized by excellent flight characteristics and are well balanced. The robust IAAF-certified competition javelin Competition II by Getra® offers ideal power transmission values and particularly good flight characteristics. The Getra® Kinetic competition javelin also has IAAF certification and has been specially developed for ambitious throwers who want to buy a javelin. It is characterized by a center of gravity pulled back and optimal sailing properties. Our training spears from Polanik ® have a comparatively soft shaft, which means that ejection errors are forgiven and the joint load is lower. The Polanik® Speer Air Flyer training spear is also approved for national competitions of the DLV and is the ideal spear for throwing spears in all-around combat. The Getra® Spear SUPERTRAINING is also a training spear approved for competitions and, with its sailing properties and longevity, forms the ideal spear for basic athletics equipment in clubs and schools.
Javelin throwing for children
In children's athletics, children are first introduced to spear throwing with the ball or long throw. In addition to batting balls, self-made flutter-band balls or throwing sticks are often included in the throwing devices. The so-called "howlers", such as the NERF® VORTEX Aero Howler, are particularly popular with children in long distance throwing. These throwing devices have an aerodynamic shape and are reminiscent of small rockets. Thanks to the side-mounted whistling nozzles, they ensure a howling sound when the throw is correct and lively. In order to introduce the children to the shape of a spear, there are also shortened practice spears made of foam or plastic, which have similar flight characteristics to a real spear. With these practice spears, children can take their first attempts at throwing and become familiar with the technology.
Javelin throwing in the hall (indoors)
So that spear throws can be trained even in bad weather conditions in autumn and winter, there are spears such as the Getra® Speer Competition Safe, which has a rubber stopper at the front end instead of a metal tip. This already covers the hall floor, but also enables the javelin throw on artificial turf pitches. Alternatively, people like to train with the cam ball. These small method balls are like a ball and have the weight of a spear. In addition, cam balls have an elongated bulge (nub) that is gripped between the index and middle finger. This not only trains the litter itself, but also the correct posture.