AIREX® Balance-pad XLarge

2 variants to choose from
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AIREX® Balance-pad XLarge

The AIREX® Balance-pad XLarge is twice the size of the Balance-pad Elite, allowing for a completely new perspective on balance training. With the introduction of the Balance-pad XLarge, a new range of exercises and their variations have been introduced, making the training an even more challenging task. On the one hand, it has a unique waffle-like, non-slip texture on its top and bottom, and on the other hand, it provides pleasant stimulation of the receptors on the sole of the foot during barefoot balance training. Due to its thickness of 6 cm, the Balance-pad XLarge has the desired destabilizing properties. The AIREX® Balance-pad XLarge is specifically designed for use in the office.


- Length: 98 cm (± 3 cm)
- Width: 41 cm (± 3 cm)
- Thickness: 6 cm (± 0.5 cm)
- Weight: 1.43 kg (± 40 g)
- Material: Closed-cell foam structure


- Ultimate comfort and training effect: insulating, soft, warm with excellent destabilizing properties
- Suitable for all kinds of therapeutic and training applications
- Physical and mental multifunctionality
- Weather resistant: Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
- Hygienic: Treated with antibacterial agents and easy to clean
The AIREX® products are designed as therapeutic aids for both institutional and home use. Used as a surface on the floor, they provide support for individuals during medically prescribed exercises to improve motor skills, balance, postural control, and/or as part of therapeutic treatments for muscle weakness in the limbs and trunk due to neurological or orthopedic conditions.

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FAQ | Produktfragen

Wie reinige ich am besten die Airex Pads?
Zur Reinigung verwenden Sie einen weichen Schwamm oder ein weiches Tuch mit handwarmem Seifenwasser. Lassen Sie das Pad nach der Reinigung an der Luft gründlich trocknen, bevor Sie das Pad lagern.
Muss das Pad nach jeder Nutzung desinfiziert werden?
Nein, die AIREX® Produkte haben eine integrierte antimikrobielle Sanitized® Hygienefunktion, diese schützt das Material sowohl vor Gerüchen, Bakterien als auch vor Schimmelpilz.
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